about me
I combine a unique blend of complementary skills of Kinesiology, Physiotherapy, Kinergetics, Touch for Health, Applied Holographic Physiology, Dry Needling with a thorough knowledge of the human body, it’s Meridians and Chakras, along with inner wisdom and intuition to create a healing space for my clients.
The body has innate ability to heal and regenerate. My gift is to guide you to connect to this deep wisdom.
My aim is to create a safe and nurturing environment to empower you on your healing journey. I am passionate about empowering women and assisting in their search for the feminine.
I love to learn and will continue to be a student for life because of my deep interest in the latest research in body-mind medicine, healthy food, nutrition, the feminine mysteries and mysticism.
I am in my element when surrounded by nature and feeling connected to Mother Earth. I am also happiest when I create, whether it be hand made jewellery , blending healing oils or cooking nutritious meals.
BAppSc ( Phty)
Post graduate studies:
Mckenzie method
Clinical pilates
Dry needling
Mulligan concept “mobilisation
with movement”
AKA registered practitioner
Touch For Health
Emotional Meridian Harmony Kinesiology
Chakra Healing Kinesiology
Aromatic Kinesiology
The attitude with essence Applied physiology holographic workshop
Nutrition for Kinesiologists
Weight Management for Kinesiologists
Integrated Healing
Heart Healing
Certified Touch for Health instructor
14-Muscle/Meridian Balancing “As-You-Go”
One-Point Balancing
Reactive Muscle Balancing
Postural Analysis & Balancing
Reiki second degree
Feminine tarot and dreaming